Should you soak nails before filing?

Nail cuticle is the soft and delicate layer around the edges of the nail. These layers will grow simultaneously with the nail. The nail filing is a gentle way to grind the nails and shape them. The appropriate nail clippers are used to tom do this process.

The nail clippers are made from glass, metal and ceramic materials. This process can be done very professionally in spas and salons.

We have to soak the nails in water or solutions meant for nails. The soaking of nails removes dryness and increases the moisture. We have to soak nails before filing to have hygiene nails with perfect shape.

Nourishing Oils

The nourishing oils are special oils with ingredients that are very softer to skin. The professional spas will soak nails before a manicure using this nourishing oils.

The nourishing oils will come in a variety of flavors. The most common flavors are rose and lavender.

nourishing oils

The most economical way is to do nail filing at your home. Before filing to remove dryness and dirt in the cuticle around the nail we must soak.

Lots of recipes are available on the internet. We have to carefully choose the recipes according to the nail structure. The common method is to mix the quarter cup of heated flavored oil with the water. 

Moisturizing Lotions

The skin-friendly moisturizers are perfect homemade manicure soak which prepared instantly. We have to choose the hand lotion and body lotion carefully.

These lotions should be skin-friendly. The use of surf cants should be very minimum. There lotions with coconut oil almond oil and hazelnut oil as the base.

These solutions will delicates the nail, nail beds, and cuticles. Half teaspoon of body and hand lotion is mixed well with hot or cold water. Some flower petals are sprouted for fragrance.

This homemade soak will also ease the process of manicure.

Natural Lemon

The lemon is the tasteful and medicinal fruit. The lemon has lots of health benefits. The lemon is a natural antiseptic for lemons. It will stop the bleeding instantly. The bleeding will occur due to careful filing. This fruit softens the cuticle instantly.

Solution lemon ensures health and hygiene nails. You just need to add half a teaspoon of lemon juice with one cup of water. The addition of honey for effective hydration.

Final Words

The dryness around the nail should be removed for the best results. The homemade soak above is the best natural way to moist the nail. The soak before filing is to eradicate bleeding and infections.

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